Psychosocial Counseling

Guidelines for Psychosocial Counseling

Psychosocial counselling team of Choithram College of Nursing is working under the guidance of Principal Dr. (Prof) Aradhana Michael. As students from different culture and socio-economic states of the country is residing together, students come up with various adjustment Problems, Interpersonal issues, problems related to relationships,  absenteeism, lack of interest in studies etc. these students are given Psychosocial  counselling services.

Process of Psychosocial Counseling:

  • Problems may be identified by a peer group, class teachers or other teachers and students may approach by self.
  • If students are being identified by others, they will be then referred to the Psychosocial counseling team.
  • Counselors try to identify the problems/issues in detail during their introductory sessions with the counselee.
  • The counselors then call the student for counseling sessions according to the severity of problems and plan further sessions.
  • Privacy and confidentiality are maintained during and after the process.
  • The counselor reports the issues to the principal and respective class teacher. Parents are also involved in the process of care.
  • If necessary the students are referred to clinical Psychologists or Psychiatrists.
  • Follow-up sessions are also planned to help the counselee for further handling of the problems independently and to make sure that the issues are resolved.

MINUTES 2020-21